Making money and freelance writing
Freelance writing and making money have been the holy grail of starting to make money for many people on the internet. Writing for content marketing has been an art form that has eluded many many due to unwillingness to spend many hours required to perfect this skill.
I spend at least half my time reading and the other half writing to ensure that my skills are well developed or being developed.
If you are looking for a way to make money quickly – as fast as “hitting the ground running” then your best bet would be to write as a freelancer.
How difficult will your first article be? Very difficult – so select a topic that you are familiar with and just start writing like a maniac – yes, like a crazed person!
Don’t try to edit while you write this will just just destroy your creativity – just let the joy of writing flow through you and to your keyboard to your laptop screen.
Starting your blog on one of your own favourite topics is a good way to start and is a way that almost all good writers start.
So don’t just read – start to write – start to write today – NOW! – don’t put it off for tomorrow – it will never come – procrastinators never made good writers.
Your first, second and even third draft may not be good enough but as you grow with confidence you will notice slight changes in your writing style that will signal to you that you are now a more matured writer and you know what you are doing.
So go ahead and submit your articles to the many article directories around the web.
Also be on the look out for small writing assignments. First undertake small ones that you know that you are capable handling comfortable and then gradually undertake more specialised assignments that you are capable of handling.
The specialised articles will probably be in internet marketing niches such as:
- Affiliate marketing – selling any type of product or service for a commission
- Insurance and related products
- Dating and related products – people need confidence and your articles will help inform and make people more confident about themselves
- Education and career – people need information to make decisions and this is where your expertise will be used
- Self help niche – is choke full of books and articles about “how-to” but your own insights should be unique enough to carve you out a piece of the niche – this is where reading widely will help you find your own voice
- Relationship repair – people are always having relationship trouble and any type of counselling and advice in this area is always a hit
- Debt and
- Make money niche – is the ever green niche on the net and has made more millionaires than any other niche but it is also the most competitive niche.
- Weight loss niche – has seen an avalanche of of new products, diet supplements, muscle building supplements and diets programs – there is a world of opportunity to any writer who can find an angle to promote these type of products.
The next important area to study is copywriting – copywriting is writing to ensure that you are persuasive enough to sell a product or service. This is a skill that may take many years to develop or which you can cultivate by working hard and reading and writing copy to persuade and sell.
“Cashvertising” is one of the best books around that teaches you how to sell and make money by using the power of words – it was written for print advertising but the principles apply to
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